Friday, August 24, 2012


We left Quetzaltenango after 7:30 in the evening and began the long drive down to the coast. Before we came to Guatemala, just about everyone told us to avoid driving at night, and now by pure necessity we had to break the only consistent rule we ever received. The road was long, winding, and very dark, and to make matters worse, we had to drive right through the middle of a torrential rain. Lightning flashed all around and the headlights from oncoming cars practically blinded us. We also had to cross dozens of speed bumps as we passed through every village and town. Some were clearly marked, while others seemed to appear out of no where. Needless to say, it was a harrowing, miserable drive. 

We finally arrived in Colomba at about 10:00 at night. The Castillo's house is totally different, so I wasn't sure if we had arrived in the right place, but then we say Yanet standing in the road. She smiled and we felt an immediate sense of relief. 

The next day, we attended the Colomba Branch. Twenty years ago, the branch was a struggling congregation of about 25 or 30 people, but now the church has about 70 or 80 active members. Unlike before, they have enough leadership to direct the meetings. 

Hermana Yanet prepared flowers for the cemetery. 

Chato's family. 

Raúl was a close friend many years ago. As soon as he entered the room, he recognized me and smiled. Yanet had told him that I was coming, but he didn't believe. 

I don't know who this boy belongs to, but he insisted that I take several pictures of him. 

The central park of Colomba is very different. At one time, the park was open and clean. Now it had been completely swallowed by market vendors. 

Years ago, we lived in this building when it was called Tienda Granada and was colored bright orange. Now it is divided into several sections. It once sold agua ardiente (fire water), but now the entrance is a church of Ríos de Aguas Vivas (Rivers of Living Waters). 

A street in Colomba. 

The Castillo family welcomed us into their home. 

1 comment:

  1. scary drive! photo's work very well with your story.
