Thursday, February 07, 2013

Art Journaling

My friend Carole has introduced me to the concept of art journaling. Essentially, an art journal is a personal diary written in artistic form. It can include words, photographs, paintings, collages, or any combination. Carole's journal is primarily water color, but it has a little of everything. She has organized the journal into a book, but a journal can have loose pages as well. It's all a matter of personal preference. 

Carole has included a number of inspirational quotes, but she also explored her beliefs, dreams, experiences, and personal struggles. She says that art journaling is therapeutic and that it helps her to make sense of important life issues. 

Carole's art journal has inspired me to reclaim my own artistic interests. Since she introduced me to this concept last year, I have painted about a dozen small water color and acrylic pieces. Hopefully, I will be able to blog about my art in the near future. In the end, I feel grateful to Carole for re-opening my heart to the creative process. 

All life is an experiment.
The more experiments you make, the better. 
~ Emerson

Behold the turtle. 
He only makes progress
when he sticks his neck out. 
~James Conant





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