Thursday, February 21, 2013


I should be writing my paper for Global Issues & Policy Analysis, but my brain is saturated with the ethical arguments of Rawls and the notion of the "impartial spectator" proposed by Adam Smith. For my own sanity, I need a moment to think about simpler things, like old family pictures and memories of my children. 

These pictures make me smile, like the one with McKenna wearing her mother's bridal veil. Someday she'll get married and we'll show this picture at her reception. 

This picture of Dakota and me was taken in one of those machines at Chuck E. Cheese that make a "sketch" of the people sitting in a booth. There's a certain sadness to this picture, but I appreciate the closeness in the way our faces touch. 

This photograph makes me smile every time. When Whitney lost her front teeth, we tried to convince her to dress up as a little bat girl for Halloween, but she always refused. "No!" she said, "I want to be a princess." So there she is, the toothless princess in hair curlers. Priceless!

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