Sunday, May 05, 2013

Double Weddings

Francis and Becky were married yesterday in Wellpinit. It was planned for several months that I would perform the ceremony, but at the last minute, Francis' son Christopher decided to make it a double wedding with his bride Kimberly. 

Christopher and Kimberly. 

The minister, the brides, and the grooms. 

The grooms and their groomsmen.

Brothers, Isaiah and Christopher. 

Christopher mixing the old and new styles. 

Isaiah doing the traditional thing. 

Tony and Isaiah, stoic. 


Auntie Iva and Samantha. 

The couples with their mom/grandma Inez. 

Bridesmaid and flower girl. 

One of the most beautiful parts of the ceremony was at the very end when the brides changed their feathers from one to two, signifying their new status as married women. 

American Gothic - the Spokane Rez Edition.

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