Monday, May 06, 2013

Photographic Meditation

The documentation of plants at Drumheller continues, or at least that's what I tell myself. Actually, I think photographing plants and flowers is a form of meditation in its own right. I always feel happier and less stressed when I photograph plants. 

A ladybug is among the blue petals of this camas flower. 

Camas blended with lomatium triternatum, 
purple and gold. 

A field of yellow lomatium triternatum flowers. 

Lomatium triternatum flowers remind me 
of a sparks or a celestial map. 

Oregon grape flower in the lower park. 

Prickly pear cactus was planted by 
Rogers High School science teacher Mary Porter.

Lunaria annua is an introduced species. 
It will eventually produce "silver dollar" seed pods. 

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