Saturday, May 04, 2013


Rhonda went away at women's retreat and Whitney went to a dance competition in Olympia. And when Dakota went to play rehearsals, McKenna and I were left to figure out how to spend the day. We decided on making a visit to Riverfront Park. 

Our first stop was dinner at Ho Ho Teryaki in the Flour Mill. An elderly couple did everything: they took our order, prepared our food, and served our table. They even brought a game to our table to help us pass the time while we waited. They even spent time visiting with us and spending time to get to know us. I can't say that I've experienced personalized service of that kind in any other restaurant. I'll probably go back, just for the experience of community, rather than simple commerce. 

McKenna was being bashful with the camera (above), but I finally got her to agree to a picture (below). Either way, I thought she was adorable. 

But then she said, "If you're going to take my picture, then I have to take your picture." 

Afterwards, we walked through the park. 
The river was flowing with such power that I thought, 
"It really is amazing that we have such a
powerful river right in the heart of our city." 

Serviceberry flowers by the old Washington Water Power building. 

McKenna at Spokane Falls. 

This goose allowed us to get within four feet
before it finally flew back to its mate (in the background).

As the sun set, the sky turned a deep blue. 

But the pink flowers retained their vibrancy. 
The blue bridge is in the background of this picture. 

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