Thursday, August 15, 2013


Yesterday, Rhonda and I had the chance to watch Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Spokane's Civic Theater. We had already seen it once before during the dress rehearsal, and of course, we saw it multiple times years ago when it was performed by the kids at CYT. Even after watching this production maybe ten or twelve times, I've decided that Joseph is my favorite musical. 

Actually, Joseph is my favorite story from the Bible. If you go back and read the biblical account, Joseph's family displays a level of dysfunction not unlike an American soap opera: jealousy, betrayal, violence, physical abuse, deception, seduction, and ultimately forgiveness. I relate to Joseph, especially to his prophetic dreams.

Years ago, I first seriously read the story of Joseph on my mission. I was riding a chicken bus in western Guatemala and passing time by reading the Bible. The story of Joseph came alive, almost as if I had never seen it before. More powerfully, I saw something of myself in the story. By the time I reached Genesis chapter 45, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, long after their betrayal, and wept. I don't know what came over me, but I sat there on the bus bawling. All these years later, I still cry when I read the story. I even cry during the scene of the play when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers - no matter how many times I watch the story.  

Dakota singing "Those Canaan Days." 

The brothers groveled before Joseph
in fulfillment of his dream. 


The Civic. 

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