Sunday, March 12, 2006

Attack on the Family

Statue honoring the family on the campus of BYU.
Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

I attended a religious conference today and listened to several respected leaders denounce what they called an “attack on the family.” Of course, this phrase packs emotional heat these days and has evolved into something of a battle cry for conservatives everywhere. All the usual suspects were named, specifically feminists and homosexuals.

I don’t wish to engage political debates, or challenge the cherished beliefs of others, but I do wish to say how much it hurts me to hear that kind of language over the pulpit. I believe sincere people of many faiths and political persuasions can have honest disagreements regarding substantive matters of religion, politics, personal freedom, or human sexuality without accusing the other of attacking such a noble institution as the family. I’m certain I would disagree with these men on many issues, and yet I love my family deeply. So if I support equality and dignity for differing groups of people, does that make me a threat to the family? God forbid! Family is all that matters.

Sadly, it seems we’ve lost the ability to disagree with civility and respect.


  1. great thoughts. I'm sure you meant it as a rhetorical question: "if I support equality and dignity for differing groups of people, does that make me a threat to the family?" I answer with you a solemn No. That's what the world "reverence" is all about.

    I remember when I was going through my board of review to recieve the Eagle Scout award they asked me what part of the scout law I felt I embodied the most.

    "A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, curtious, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent."

    I can't remember my answer at the time, but I remember the board's response. They talked to me about the the word reverent.

    Part of that word entails that you are reverent to God and are faithful in your religious duties. The other part of that word means that you respect the beliefs of others.

    It can be an intricate balance, but it's important that we uphold our own beliefs while respecting others.

  2. Thank you Yancy for your thoughts on reverence. I believe it is very appropriate to the national dialogue to find reverence for one another, even when we disagree. Imagine if representatives of competing ideologies actually reverenced one another. What a different world it would be!
