Saturday, March 11, 2006

"Stay and Play" at the Ramada

Whitney crying by the pool.
Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

Rhonda and I took the kids to the Ramada Inn by the airport to take advantage of their "Stay and Play" birthday special. The deal we got was to stay overnight at the hotel, then they pay for pizza and soda, and breakfast for the kids in the morning, and the chance to play in their indoor water park. It has several pools, a hot tub, and even a water slide. It sounded like a really good deal, and it would have been more fun, but there were a million and one other people there; you know, thousands of kids screaming and splashing out of control. One kid even threw a ball and hit Whitney in the mouth. It knocked her tooth out (one that was already loose). She cried and cried, and being the sympathetic father I am, I got my camera and took some really good pictures. She wasn't too pleased with me, but I couldn't help myself. She's just so cute when she cries :) Otherwise, we had a great time.

(By the way, now that Whitney saw the pictures of her crying, she thinks they're cute too).


  1. Will she be getting extra money from the tooth fairy for that tooth

  2. Dear 'Chelle,

    Unfortunately, in these uncertain times the Tooth Fairy is unable to provide greater dividends on teeth deposited with individual accounts. Rising expenses from increased corporate corruption, the cost of defending the republic from foreign and domestic terror, and interest payments on the national debt preclude raising individual remuneration at this time; even for such a worthy cause as this. A standard payment in the amount of $1 was disbursed the following night according to the usual and customary manner.

    Thank you for your inquiry.


    The Tooth Fairy
