Saturday, December 27, 2008

No End

Snowflakes on the needles of a ponderosa pine...

Late last night another intense snowfall covered the region, with no end in sight. The world is buried in white.

The dog and I braved the weather and hiked one of our traditional trails, but I got more of a workout than planned. My feet sunk into the snow past my knees, and as the dog ran ahead, he looked like a black dot on the snowy white landscape.

As I struggled through the knee deep snow, a red-tail hawk whistled twice and perched atop a tall pine. He waited only long enough for me to catch two quick pictures, and then disappeared behind the treeline.


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    great pics, looks like a living dream come true

  2. Yes, that day did have a few dream elements, especially the hawk whistling as I passed.
