Sunday, December 28, 2008


Madonna Wiltse is one of Rhonda's best friends. They talk on the phone several times a day and share a mutually supportive understanding. Even when Rhonda and I have struggled in our marriage, Madonna is the kind of person who can listen compassionately to everything without taking sides. We've really grown to love Madonna and her family.

Her son Adam is in town on military leave, so they asked me to shoot some informal family portraits. These photographs represent a sample of our session.

Adam, his wife Reese, and their daughter Ellana.

Adam and Reese.

Madonna's daughter Jen, and her husband Dan.

Madonna and her husband Loren.

Reese, Jenni, Natalie, Quincy, and Spencer.

Ellana is the newest Wiltse family member, and quite obviously the most popular. She commanded the attention of everyone in the room, and when she reached her limit, she announced the end of the photoshoot through her cries.


  1. That picture of her is beautiful. I have a friend like her. Sometimes, I write about her. LK. She always maintains her objectivity.

  2. Objectivity is so important.

    I've seen a few relationships fall apart because the family or friends take sides. They support each other in becoming more deeply entrenched in animosity, rather than actually solving the problem.

    For this reason and more, objectivity is a cherished gift.
