Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Revolutionary Ancestor

My name recently appeared on a blog from someone who is apparently a distant relative, descended from the same family in colonial New York. He briefly mentioned a genealogical question I sent via email requesting more information regarding my ancestor John Coffin. He then provided documentation regarding this man's service in the Revolutionary War.

I quote:

"John Coffin appears to have been a private in the Revolutionary War. "New York in the Revolution as Colony and State" (Albany, NY, 1904) lists a John Coffin on page 136 as an enlisted man in the Second Regiment of the Dutchess County Militia. "Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York" (Berthold Fernow, 1887, Albany, NY), pages 278, 279, and 345, indicate that John Coffin was a private in the Second Regiment, which was from Rombout Precinct."

He then provides other valuable information regarding my ancestors, including a link to images of another ancestor's family Bible records. For more information, click below:

John Coffin on My Coffin Roots.

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