Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rez Cadillac

Chewelah's Rez Cadillac.
Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

Edward sent me on a rather bizarre errand to purchase a carton of non-filter Pall Mall cigarettes. It's weird because I'm not much of a smoker, and it feels a little awkward walking into a "Smoke Shack" and talking to people about smoking. And then every place I looked is out of that brand or wanted to charge me way too much money ($55 for one carton). None of the tobacco establishments on the Chewelah Rez carried any, but I got a great picture of an old Cadillac on the lot. The photo made the stop worth my time.

I should hasten to mention this errand has nothing to do with indulging vain habits or addiction to nicotine. We use tobacco for prayer, kind of like a sacrament.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I love this photo!! It does kinda remind me of the book Stephan King wrote "From a Buick 8" This book was about this car that was found/left at a gas station. The cops in this small town impounded the vehicle and all sorts of wierd scary things went on with the car. I realize yours is a picture of a Cadillac but it still reminds me of the book for some reason.
