Thursday, March 21, 2013

TEDxCCS Audition

Several weeks ago, my friend and co-worker Grace Leaf said, "I wanted to let you know that you're auditioning for TEDx at CCS."

I managed a fairly eloquent response, "Huh?" 

Jim Mohr happened to pass by at that moment and said, "Oh yeah, you're auditioning. Get over it." Grace and Jim thoroughly ignored my protests and signed me up. That was the day of the IEL Fashion Show

So today was the day of the audition and I was all nerves. 

I locked myself in my office and wrote a two-minute speech about saving endangered languages. I must have practiced that thing a hundred times, and it never seemed exactly right. I continued to practice when I arrived at the SCC campus. After everything, I had to walk onto that stage and present my "brilliant and inspirational" idea, while a panel of three judges sat behind a table and took notes. Whatever happens, I have renewed empathy for my children when they stand before the judges to audition for CYT shows. 

Speaking of which, my children's CYT friend just happened to pass by at the moment of my audition. I told her what was happening and she agreed to be my one-person cheering section. (Thanks Dimana!)

They should announce the results within a couple weeks. If I am selected, I will work with a speech coach over the next several months and then present a refined, 8-10 TED style speech. Wish me luck and stay tuned. 


  1. Good luck! I love listening to TED talks and think you would be amazing!

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Good luck! I would sure want to hear that speech. Saskia
