We spent the morning taking family pictures at Pine River Park. We posed for all different kinds of shots, but this was the one I liked best.
Afterwards, I attended sacrament services with Rhonda and the kids. One of the hymns we sang had the following line: "It may not be on the mountain height, or over the stormy sea; it may not be at the battle's front, my Lord will have need of me. But if by a still small voice he calls to paths that I do not know, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go," (I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go, by Mary Brown).
As we sang those words, I looked over and saw my daughter Whitney smiling up at me. I remembered all the times I felt lost or burdened by responsibility, and in that moment I felt it all melt away. The only thing left over was the love I feel for my wife and children, and the knowledge that I'm right where GOD wants me to be.
During the meeting, the speaker addressed the topic of consecration. While I do not necessarily agree with placing so much emphasis on consecrating ourselves to earthly institutions, even churches, I do believe in consecrating our lives to God. As I see the light in my daughter's eyes this afternoon, I know my consecration belongs to her and to all my family.
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