There are no accidents in the universe; the message of forgiveness returns to instruct me again and again. Here are some recent examples:
When Rhonda and I attended couples training a few weeks ago, we learned about healing judgment through the power of forgiveness. Then we all witnessed the horror of the Amish shootings, followed by the amazing offering of forgiveness by the families of those who died. Yesterday I met a colleague who discussed the power of radical forgiveness; and today I saw a man who offended me many years ago, and who I did not fully forgive in my own heart.
If that wasn't enough, I also received a letter from an inmate at the county jail who feels he has done so much evil he will never receive forgiveness, or as he stated, "My soul is stained for all eternity." I wrote a letter and assured him he is forgiven, and suddenly I realized I was writing to myself. I was even writing in behalf of those I have yet to forgive.
It is amazing.
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