Besides getting unlimited free massages, the best thing about being married to a massage therapist is getting exchanges on other great services. Rhonda trades massages with our friend Laura who then cuts my hair for free. She cut my hair today and lightened it somewhat. I had never colored my hair before, but since it's free, what did I have to lose?
At first, I was hesitant to change my appearance. Now I wish she had lightened it more. If you look closely, you can see the red, but you have to look CLOSELY. I guess you can say I wanted to be cool like my brother-in-law Paul, though he comes by his red hair naturally. :)
At first, I was hesitant to change my appearance. Now I wish she had lightened it more. If you look closely, you can see the red, but you have to look CLOSELY. I guess you can say I wanted to be cool like my brother-in-law Paul, though he comes by his red hair naturally. :)