Sunday, January 01, 2012


Christmas and the New Year have already passed, and we take one last breath before diving back into the hectic world of work. But this Christmas season was hectic in its own way, with all the shopping, running around, visiting, and in my case, making home-made gifts.

In particular, my daughter loves Ugly Dolls. I have only ever been able to find them at Boo Radley's in downtown Spokane, along with a hundred other bizarre little items. This year, I decided to make my own monster doll. I suppose it means more when it comes from your own heart and hands.

As expected, my daughter loved this doll more than all the others.

The pattern was my own creation.

The doll was named Skalula, after a Native American monster song from the Okanogan country.

1 comment:

christa said...

I make dolls for my children too. Your monster doll is awesome!!!


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