Part of the old section...

Rhonda on the "Thousand Steps."
My sister told me about an abandoned set of concrete stairs in Greenwood Cemetery called the "Thousand Steps." She said it was worth a visit, and several local websites called it the "most haunted place in Spokane." After some searching, we found the stairs, though I'm certain there are far less than one thousand steps, probably even less than a hundred. Having seen the place, I can't say if I felt any otherworldly presence, but it was fun to find it anyway.
After climbing the steps, we toured the cemetery to read some of the older headstones. I tried to imagine the personal stories connected to each stone. After a while, a somber mood fell over the both of us, and we began to discuss the nature of life and death. What arrangements will we make when we die? How will our children remember us? What will become of us at the end of life?
We could only tolerate the discussion for a short while. We finally left and discussed happier things.
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Are these steps located directly off of the road or are they in the cemetary itself??
Right off the road and they lead up into the cemetary.
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